Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lesson to learn from the 11.3.11 Earth Quake

Everybody is discipline and waiting for their turn at SubwayStation
Children and women will be given priority
Line up to make phone calls


** 几百人在广场避震完毕,整个过程,无一人抽烟。服务员在
跑,拿来一切毯子,热水,饼干。所有男人帮助女人,跑回大楼为女人拿东西 ,接来电线放收音机。几个小时后,人散,地上没有一片垃圾。

** 地震後,日本三得利公司宣布所有販售機將免費供應飲料!

* 一日本网友说:说句心里话,虽然我在日本,但其实庆幸是

The 8.9 earthquake in Japan was really a disaster but if you see how the Japanese handling the crisis, you really need to learn from them. This is all because of the high civic consciousness. Everybody is alert, women and infant will be given priority, shops open to provide free food and drinks, news in other language to teach people how to escape! Imagine luckily this happened in Japan, the number of death were reduced. If happened in Malaysia, I think the number of death will be high!

I will take this as a lesson to teach our children when school reopen!

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