Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Teachers Day

Teachers day has just past! We have recieved gifts from one of the parents every year without fail. We are very happy as she recognizes what our teacher has done throughout the year. As she was a teacher before starting her own business, she knows what type of pressure teacher may face, the patience and love they have given to our little angel. Thank you for your recognition, we will do our best to educate our future leaders!

On this special day, I would like to share with all teachers and parents about this touching story. Happy Teachers day!

Proud Parents

Let's meet our little dancers and their proud parents. Our students : Khoo Yi Ying, Khaw Hwann Minn, Chia Yi Ern, Foo Hui Chien and the only boy- Sean Lim. They are really good performers! They are so confidence when they are performing in front of so many people, imagine, they are only 5 years old! I think the parents are the most excited and happiest persons. They couldn't believe their children can dance so well! QQ children BOLEH!

Belly Dancer

On 18th of May 2008, we were invited by Kulim Buddhist Society to perform in conjunction with the WEsak Day celebration. Hence, we have selected 5 students who have learned belly dance to do a short performance. See, how professional they are posting with the teacher.