Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shopping At Giant!

See what we get for our mummy and ourselves!

We need to weight the vegetable before we can pay!
We were are at the stationery department comparing price!

We need to get troley from here!
With a shopping list and RM10, our K1 & K2 students went shopping at Giant to get the things they need from various departments! This was one of the thematic activity that educate children to spend wisely by comparing price, know the name of various department such as toiletries department, frozen department, stationery department and grocery department. Childrren were really enjoyed the trip as they can make decision on what to buy. At the end of the day, each of them brought back some stationeryand groceries item for mummy!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

QQ Sports day

Last year we cancell the sports day due to H1N1. This year, the sports day is back!
QQ Sports day was on 28th August 2010! On that Sunny day, parents wearing sports attire with their children is ready for a sweat out!

As usual , we have 100m racing, telematch for children and the most enjoyable game is the telematch that involved parents! Teamwork is needed and all parents work together to do the final art pieceWe Love QQ!

Picture show thousand words! let see how every one have fun on that day.