Thursday, March 25, 2010

Practical life

Time to drink water!
Sherwin, concentrate!

IS this the way we brush our teeth?

Let me try!

You must brush inside and outside!

Practical Life lesson teaching children how to brush teeth! See our children learn how to brush teeth correctly and develop good habit of brushing the teeth after each meal!

Traditional costume

Baju Kurung, Kepaya

Cheong Sum
Baju Nyoya


“Wow, teacher today is very beautiful”, this is the response when all teachers wearing traditional clothing on Thursday before school holiday. This is the topic on clothing and costume, in order for them to have better understanding, our teachers had wore" Sari", "Cheong Sum", baju Kurung, baju kepaya, baju nyonya and Punjabi suit for the children to see! Satu Malaysia!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


做个听话乖宝宝!这是居林佛教会第六届幼儿宝宝一日营的主题!董老师被邀请去讲故事,于是就选了小红风帽这故事与小瓜们分享!董老师以另一个角度带出小孩不要随便和陌生人交谈。尤其现在的坏人并不像大灰狼般险恶,他们可以是衣服整齐,相貌堂堂的哦!就算每天在家附近见到也不可随便和他们谈天。毕竟现在坏人实在太多,绑架事件时常在报章读到!小心为妙, 现在的家长真不好当。希望通过这故事警惕孩子们不要随便和陌生人交谈,有什么事应马上通知父母!

Practical Science class

The flower can open by itself!
The snake is moving!

Yeah, my flower has blossom!

We are waiting to see the flower bloosom!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Practical life class

This is the video recorded by one of our parents. She is happy to find that after attending the practical life class, her son can hang the towel neatly!

Saving Day

Jing Yee with her homemade piggy bank!
Isaac and Keith share one piggy bank!

Our piggy bank are so cute!

Sun Ee with his cute piggy bank!

Yi En with her winnie the pooh piggy bank
In order to develop the saving habbit from young, we have children bring their peggy bank and put in 50 cents everyday until March! The children are really consistent and some of them did not miss out even one day. So we gave them a small gifts for being so consistent! Hopefully they can continue this good habbit of saving at home!