As a caring and responsible kindergarten , we believe that we need to educate children from young on how to take care of our environment, so that they can have a better place to live in when they grow up. Thus, QQ has included go green syllabus this year and children as young as 2 years old are exposed to the knowledge of reduce, reuse and recycle!
After few months of implementing the class, we found that children can "advise" their parents on saving energy, telling their parents the earth is sick, we need to do something, do not simply throw rubbish, recycle paper, switch off the light if not in use, switch off the electrical goods and not on standby mode!
See what other things they do in the school........
1. Recycle paper and plastic- children bring the paper, plastic bottle from the house and throw into our recycle bin. These will be donated to Tze chi!

3. Reuse- using the plastic bottle to make pen holder- unique and practical!

4. Saving 500ml water every time you flash the toilet! Imagine if you use the flash 10 times a day, you have save 5 liter water per day. Especially in our school, children actually going in and out of the toilet, it is a big saving !

6. Reuse the empty can to make pen holder. Creative and very unique!