Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sushi Making workshop

first, we need to put 20 cut nori on top!
We need to wear glove before we start making the sushi.

Ms. Molly is teaching us how to mix the rice with vineger!

We need to clean the hangkiri(rice tub) before filling the rice.

This is ebiko (fish roe)

Sushi Making Session

First, we must wash our hand !

We want to make sushi!

We are ready to learn Japanese!

Waiting to go in the restaurant!

Ming Chee was so happy through out the journey!

Safety and Health Campaign

In conjuction with QQ Safety and Health campaign, QQ had organized a trip to Sushi Kin Autocity and Petroscience BKE. The objectives of the trips were to expose our children to healthyJapanese food-sushi. Besides that, they also learned some basic Japanese word such as :

Irashaimase- Welcome

Ohio - Good Morning

Arigato - Thank you

Ebiko - fish roe

Hangiri - rice tub

Nigiri sushi- sushi with topping

Temaki - hand roll sishi.

Children were so excited as they reached Sushi Kin at 9am. First,they washed their hand, get seated. Our coach Ms. Molly Chan has explained to give us an explaination on how the sushi is made. Then, the Chef, demonstrated to us how to make nigiri suhi and gunkan sushi. The most interesting part is the children will have a chance to make their own nigiri and gunkan sushi! Then, every table we will choose one rrepresentative who can make good sushi to compete.

Fantastic! our children can make their sushi just like the chef and won prizes! Later, they enjoyed the sushi they made at the restaurant. It seems the sushi is never been so tasty before!

Actually when we organised this eduation trip for our K1 and K2 students, some parents are reluctant to let their child to participate. The reasons they gave was, my child does not eat sushi, it is very dangerous, can teacher control them?

I just felt sad for the children as they are looking forward to go. Again, they have lost a valuable learning oppotunity. When children are with us on the educational trip, they behave well! They learned to be independent, take care of thier own belongings, take care of themselves as wells as taking care of their friends. They can interaact and socialize freely with friends and adults in real world. They also learned that Japanese Food is not about raw food. Whether they like the food or not, it does not matter, at least they are exposed to Japanese Food and they have tried before. Most importantly, they are happy and enjoyed the trip!

Hopefully, parents will realize the importance for the learning trip and encurage their children to participate in the future.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

QQ Green Day

N1 children are pulling the weeds!

We are pulling the weeds before planting!

I will water the plant every day!

Our long bean will grow big and healthy with our care!

We are planting ladies fingers!

In order to let children experience planting thier own vegetable and the importance of grening our earth, QQ Green Day on 26th & 27th of March had given all children a hand on experience on planting Sawi, ladies finger and long bean.

Every child were so earger and excited on that day. They cleared out the weeds, dig hole and planted the seed given to them and water them. This is not a one day task as the children have to water the plant and pull the weed every day. Let's see whether our children had "green finger' or not.