Many parents has turned up for the Health talk and do some health Screening on 2nd of August. With the support team from Clinic Kesihatan Taman Selasih, we managed to carry out Pap smear test, blood pressure test and also BMI test.
On the other hand, Jasmine Teh, Wellness Consultant from Pharmanex, had given a talk on " Wake up to good health" . The talk basically explained what is Free radical, what is antioxidant, how it works on our body. She also brought a Biosphotonic Scanner to measure our body antioxidant level. To our surprise, most of the parents have very low antioxidant level. Beside that, we also carried out body fat measurement. Some people may looks thin by internal body fat is high!
We plan to do another scanning session next month. Parents who missed this time, be prepare for the next scanning!