Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dancing Competition

Our Dancer are ready!
Don't we look great?

Waiting to perform!

Belly dancers - see how professional are they!

Teachers with the belly dancers.

On 6th of Nov, QQ has sent two teams to participated in the dacing competition. One is our Belly dance team and another team is cowboy dance. All our children has performed extreamly well and even though we did not win the top three, but the children has gained valuable experience by participating in the competition. Well done kids! QQ are proud of you all!

New Comers in QQ

This month, we have 3 new comers in our kindergarten. They are furry, cute and lovable. All our children are so happy to see them every morning. They are Lily, Daisy and Mickey. Guess what! They are the new pets and every student is excited about it. Know what it is? It is RABBIT! Two are brownish and one is white in colour. Daisy is Lily and Mickey mummy. They all like to eat vegestable!

QQ Holiday Science camp

QQ Science camp is back again after receiving many requests from the parents. This time we will hold it from 15th December to 18th Dec (Mon-Thur), 9-12 noon. including breakfast.

We also divided the group into 4-5 yrs, 6-12 yrs old. The objective of the camp is to develop children interest in Science. Indirectly, they will be trained on critical thinking, analytical skills, building of self confidence in a fun and hand on experiment!

QQ kindergarten's Children are charged RM45 only while non QQ students will be charged RM80. Please hurry, 10 students per class and seats are limited.

For more details, please call Ms. Ng or Ms. Tong for further details.